
1 3/16 miles. Dirt.  Thoroughbred. Purse $50,000 - Entry Fee: $500Condition
Finish Horse Owner Jockey PP First Call Second Call Third Call Finish: Margin
1 Littleman Syndrome (NY) Kris Freedman Leroy Racy 7 8: nck 8: ns 3: 1/2  1: 1 1/2
$ 25,000
2 Atlantis Loves (MO) Sue Wentz Abbey Boyd 3 1: nck 1: 3/4 1: 1 3/4  2: 1 1/4
$ 11,000
3 Mysteriouslymarchn (NY) Kris Freedman Victoria Connor 8 2: 2 1/4 2: 6 1/2 2: 2 1/2  3: 1
$ 5,500
4 Warrior's Pride (FL) Stina Vica Zoey Martinez 4 3: 1/2 4: 3/4 4: 3/4  4: 1 1/4
$ 3,500
5 Livewire (KY) Sue Wentz Steph O'Brien 6 4: nck 3: hd 5: 1  5: 1
$ 1,500
6 Dixieland Delight (FL) John d'Arc Martin Hines 9 5: nck 5: 1/2 6: 1  6: 1 1/2
$ 0
7 Jiminy Glick (OH) Khalifa A Billy Barlow 5 7: 1/2 6: 1 7: 1 1/4  7: 1 1/4
$ 0
8 Sent From Above (FL) Khalifa A Abigail Morgan 2 6: ns 7: nck 8: 3/4  8: 2 1/4
$ 0
9 Krze Affair I (NY) Stina Vica Becky Gordon 1 9: -- 9: -- 9: --  9: --
$ 0

Breeder Award: $3,500
Littleman Syndrome ch.g.5
Owner: Kris Freedman Breeder: Ryan Whitehead
Sire: Napoleon Dam: Up Close Personal
Littleman Syndrome - 1 Broke well held behind rivals wide off turn urged to wire
Atlantis Loves - 2 Broke quickly vied with rival shifted out turn gamely stretch
Mysteriouslymarchn - 3 Away well forced pace moved between horses third best
Warrior's Pride - 4 Away well dictated pace moved between horses belated rally
Livewire - 5 Broke smoothly from gate between rivals early angled in no threat
Dixieland Delight - 6 Steadied start between rivals early advanced on rail gave way
Jiminy Glick - 7 Away well settled well advanced on rail flattened out
Sent From Above - 8 Broke poorly tucked in along rail advanced on rail flattened out
Krze Affair I - 9 Away well no factor early on rail turn gave way



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