
1 mile. Dirt.  Thoroughbred. Purse $20,000Condition
Finish Horse Owner Jockey PP First Call Second Call Third Call Finish: Margin
1 Lou Grief (CAN) Kris Freedman Serena Kendrick 2 4: 1 1/4 3: 1/2 1: 1  1: 1 1/4
$ 10,000
2 Slick Gold (OK) Terry Barnes Hannah Cochran 3 3: ns 4: 2 3/4 3: 1  2: 1 1/2
$ 4,400
3 Never Mischief (FL) Donnie Hidalgo Wesley Roberts 7 6: 2 1/2 6: 3 1/2 5: 1/2  3: 1 1/2
$ 2,200
4 Eternal Dusk (NJ) Durzo Blint Keith Moon 6 1: nck 1: 1 1/2 2: nck  4: 1 1/2
$ 1,400
5 Thin Hero (NY) Grant Carroll William Gardner 5 2: 1 2: 1 1/2 4: 2  5: 1 1/4
$ 600
6 Havasupai Falls (CA) Leigh Ann Anderson Caleb Frost 4 5: 1 5: 2 1/2 6: 3 3/4  6: 2 1/4
$ 0
7 Money Light (KY) Gwen Morse Abbey Lewis 1 7: -- 7: -- 7: --  7: --
$ 0

Breeder Award: $1,400
Lou Grief dkb.g.4
Owner: Kris Freedman Breeder: Andrew James
Sire: Vengeance Or Grief Dam: Luceiia
Lou Grief - 1 Broke outwards reserved between horses saved ground willingly to wire
Slick Gold - 2 Fell to knees at start rushed up on rail turn willingly stretch
Never Mischief - 3 Broke outwards taken between rivals early angled out willingly stretch
Eternal Dusk - 4 Broke outwards vied with rival fanned out evenly
Thin Hero - 5 Away alertly vied with rival angled out was not a threat
Havasupai Falls - 6 Away well mid pack wide off turn tired
Money Light - 7 Away well steadied shifted out turn outfinished



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