
1 mile. Dirt.  Standardbred-Pacer. Purse $25,000Condition
Finish Horse Owner Driver PP First Call Second Call Third Call Finish: Margin
1 One Two Dixie (AL) Cesar Raez Diana Jamison 5 4: hd 3: 1/2 1: 3/4  1: 1 1/4
$ 12,500
2 Demo Band (CA) Polk Buffalo Brian Winter 4 3: nck 4: 1 2: nck  2: 1 1/2
$ 5,500
3 Red Hot Planet (NJ) Mike Prevost Chris Walter 1 5: -- 5: -- 5: --  3: 1 3/4
$ 2,750
4 Land of Truth (NJ) John Lieblang Ryan Delaney 2 2: 1 2: 2 1/2 3: nck  4: 1/2
$ 1,750
5 Mofo Cookies (OK) Bob Allensworth Ben Roberts 3 1: nck 1: 1/2 4: 3/4  5: --
$ 750

Breeder Award: $1,750
One Two Dixie br.g.3
Owner: Cesar Raez Breeder: John Sloan
Sire: One Two Pace Dam: Come to Dixie
One Two Dixie - 1 Gamely
Demo Band - 2 Off stride
Red Hot Planet - 3 Struggled turns
Land of Truth - 4 Strong early
Mofo Cookies - 5 Four wide



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