
1 mile. Dirt.  Thoroughbred. Purse $25,000Condition
Finish Horse Owner Jockey PP First Call Second Call Third Call Finish: Margin
1 Wan Shailu (OK) Andrew James Marissa Hastings 7 6: 1 6: 2 1/2 3: 1/2  1: 1 1/2
$ 12,500
2 Collette (CA) Enpea Racing Kareem Tochigi 5 1: nck 1: hd 1: 1/2  2: 1 1/2
$ 5,500
3 Hold the Spice (FL) Donnie Hidalgo Heather Morgan 8 2: 3/4 2: 1 3/4 2: 2 3/4  3: 1
$ 2,750
4 Wind Like Fire (KY) Durzo Blint Keith Moon 6 7: 1/2 7: nck 6: nck  4: 2 1/2
$ 1,750
5 Icy River (MD) Tiyoun Long Simon Long 9 3: 3/4 3: 1 4: 1  5: 1
$ 750
6 Great Lullaby (CAN) Durzo Blint Walter Freeman 3 4: 1/2 4: 3/4 5: 1 3/4  6: 1 1/2
$ 0
7 Envy Is Ignorance (FL) Jack Ryder Makayla Sanchez 4 9: -- 9: -- 8: nck  7: 1 1/4
$ 0
8 Scarlett Vengeance (CAN) Eric Gray Erin Mathews 1 5: 1 3/4 5: 4 7: 4  8: 3
$ 0
9 Appelstroop (FL) Jon Xett Carlos Gonzales 2 8: 1 1/2 8: 2 9: --  9: --
$ 0

Breeder Award: $1,750
Wan Shailu bl.f.3
Owner: Andrew James Breeder: Andrew James
Sire: Slickrock Dam: Ghostbloods
Wan Shailu - 1 Broke outwards settled moved inside proved best under urging
Collette - 2 Away alertly battled responded when urged second best
Hold the Spice - 3 Broke well battled wide off turn willingly stretch
Wind Like Fire - 4 Broke well taken between rivals early saved ground no rally
Icy River - 5 Broke quickly dictated pace split rivals flattened out
Great Lullaby - 6 Broke well under firm hold angled out gave way
Envy Is Ignorance - 7 Broke well middle path angled in evenly
Scarlett Vengeance - 8 Broke quickly between foes angled out flattened out
Appelstroop - 9 Steadied start taken behind rivals urged along no menace



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