
1 1/16 miles. Dirt.  Thoroughbred. Purse $10,000Condition
Finish Horse Owner Finish: Margin
1 Del Mar Fly (CA) Andrew Nacario  1: 3
$ 5,000
2 LightningCrashes I (KY) Eric Nalbone  2: 1 3/4
$ 2,200
3 SaySomethingNice I (FL) Stephen Saratoga  3: 11 1/2
$ 1,000
4 The Cop II (FL) Alexandra Jaysman  4: --
$ 700

Breeder Award: $900
Del Mar Fly b.g.3
Owner: Andrew Nacario Breeder: Andrew Nacario
Sire: Mineshaft Dam: Firefly II
Del Mar Fly - 1 Broke well settled between horses bold move inside drew off
LightningCrashes I - 2 Broke smoothly moved up willingly angled out gamely stretch
SaySomethingNice I - 3 Clean break dueled angled out no response late
The Cop II - 4 Broke inwards flashed speed bore out turn tired late



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