
300 yards. Dirt.  Quarter Horse. Purse $20,000Condition
Finish Horse Owner Jockey First Call Finish: Margin
1 Ghost in a Shell (CA) Clinton Jacinto Jonathan Freeman 7: 1/2  1: hd
$ 10,000
2 Illusion in Black (CA) Landon Alexander Henry Washington 3: 1/4  2: nck
$ 4,400
3 Rose Snow (NM) Samantha James Yolanda Flanagan 1: ns  3: ns
$ 2,000
4 Full Moon Freaky (CA) Ramey Furney Whitney Andersen 2: 1/2  4: 1/4
$ 1,400
5 Op Looks Quick (UT) Fred Vieane Aaron Valencia 4: nck  5: 1/4
$ 400
6 Prince Cruz (NM) Handi Capper Andrew Arnold 5: ns  6: hd
$ 0
7 Snow and Sun (NM) Patrick O'Malley Trinity Frye 6: 1/4  7: nck
$ 0
8 Startin' Fires (NM) Fred Vieane Tamara Yamagata 8: nck  8: 1/4
$ 0
9 Distanced (NM) Juli Stettler Manuel Shields 9: 1/4  9: 1/4
$ 0
10 Ultimate Dog Dare (NM) Gary MacDonald Andrew Andrews 10: --  10: --
$ 0

Breeder Award: $1,800
Ghost in a Shell gr.g.3
Owner: Clinton Jacinto Breeder: Clinton Jacinto
Sire: Ghostfreak Dam: Cutthedeck
Ghost in a Shell - 1 Broke quickly driving
Illusion in Black - 2 Slow start steady effort
Rose Snow - 3 Broke in solid effort
Full Moon Freaky - 4 Broke well solid effort
Op Looks Quick - 5 Awkward start drifted in
Prince Cruz - 6 Awkward start no rally
Snow and Sun - 7 Quick from gate lugged out
Startin' Fires - 8 Broke quickly no factor
Distanced - 9 Broke well no rally
Ultimate Dog Dare - 10 Broke well no rally



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