
5 furlongs. Dirt.  Thoroughbred. Purse $100,000 - Entry Fee: $1,000Condition
Finish Horse Owner Jockey First Call Second Call Third Call Finish: Margin
1 Transmit (LA) Sarah Bowen Trinity Akers 1: 1/2 1: 1/2 1: 1 1/2  1: 1 3/4
$ 50,000
2 After That Girl (HI) Xander Zone Alex Frost 2: hd 3: 1/2 2: 1 1/2  2: 1
$ 22,000
3 Groom I (CA) Nena Olson Miguel Martinez 6: 1/2 6: 1 1/4 5: 1  3: 1
$ 10,000
4 Beware of the Bite (MD) Janey Adams Mary Hastings 5: 1 5: 2 1/2 3: 3/4  4: 1 1/4
$ 7,000
5 Tempus (NY) Sarah Bowen Alex Campbell 7: -- 7: -- 7: --  5: 1 1/2
$ 2,000
6 Nitro Strike (CA) Dan Gordon Xavier Tochigi 3: 1/4 2: nck 4: ns  6: 2
$ 0
7 Wild Night (MD) Laura Ferguson Michael Moody 4: 1/4 4: 1/2 6: 1/2  7: --
$ 0

Breeder Award: $9,000
Transmit b.g.4
Owner: Sarah Bowen Breeder: Alex Puderbaugh
Sire: Leitmotif Dam: Piping
Transmit - 1 Broke inwards dueled urged along prevailed under urging
After That Girl - 2 Broke inwards dueled moved between horses willingly stretch
Groom I - 3 Broke well settled urged along gamely stretch
Beware of the Bite - 4 Broke inwards settled wide off turn was not a threat
Tempus - 5 Broke well between rivals early responded when urged was not a threat
Nitro Strike - 6 Broke well dueled responded when urged gave way
Wild Night - 7 Stumbled start between rivals early angled out evenly



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