
1 1/8 miles. Turf.  Thoroughbred. Purse $12,000Condition
Finish Horse Owner Jockey First Call Second Call Third Call Finish: Margin
1 Racasea (NY) Jolene Danner Miguel Byrne 5: 1 5: 1 3/4 4: nck  1: 1
$ 6,000
2 Inspired in Heaven (FL) Bradley Davis Alejandro Flanagan 3: 1/2 3: 1 1: 1  2: 1
$ 2,640
3 Unusual I (OK) Leigh Ann Anderson Caleb Frost 2: ns 2: hd 2: 1 1/2  3: 1
$ 1,200
4 Black Wine I (JPN) Nicole Racer Cadence Everett 6: 1/2 6: 1 6: 2 1/2  4: 1 1/4
$ 840
5 Lady Latte (FL) Steve Lee Caitlin Delaney 4: 1 4: 3 3: ns  5: 1 1/2
$ 240
6 Tattooed Lioness (AR) Melanie Lejeune Mindy Martinez 7: 1 1/2 7: 3 1/4 7: 5 1/4  6: 1 1/2
$ 0
7 Thermal Socks (GER) Teri Lawrence Mark Ervin 1: 1 3/4 1: 2 1/2 5: 1 1/4  7: 5
$ 0
8 Cecchetti (MD) Chani Ruzzo Aaron Fox 8: -- 8: -- 8: --  8: --
$ 0

Breeder Award: $1,080
Racasea b.f.3
Owner: Jolene Danner Breeder: Jolene Danner
Sire: Escape in the Sea Dam: Baraca
Racasea - 1 Broke inwards hustled inside altered course turn strongly to wire
Inspired in Heaven - 2 Away alertly flashed speed fanned out yielded
Unusual I - 3 Broke quickly showed speed wide turn gained ground well
Black Wine I - 4 Broke smoothly from gate reserved between horses wide off turn angled out late
Lady Latte - 5 Away alertly tucked in in tight lane weakened
Tattooed Lioness - 6 Broke quickly held in mid pack altered course turn gave way
Thermal Socks - 7 Broke well dictated pace moved inside lugged out
Cecchetti - 8 Broke well no factor early split rivals evenly



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