
2 miles. Turf.  Thoroughbred. Purse $500,000 - Entry Fee: $5,000Condition
Finish Horse Owner Jockey Finish: Margin
1 Dream Of Her (FL) Amy Atkins Shawn Akers  1: 1/4
$ 250,000
2 Unanswered Prayers (AUS) Emily White Kayla Whitley  2: 4 1/2
$ 110,000
3 End of the World (KY) Laura Ferguson Frederick Archer  3: 1
$ 50,000
4 Connection (GBR) Paul Heinrich David Arrington  4: 1 1/4
$ 35,000
5 Sounds of Victory (AUS) Tasha Langley Heath Flanagan  5: 6
$ 10,000
6 One More Rainy Day (FL) Gerry Hardie Oliver Brunetto  6: 3
$ 0
7 Diva (CA) Laura Pony Frank Duncan  7: --
$ 0

Breeder Award: $45,000
Dream Of Her ch.c.4
Owner: Amy Atkins Breeder: Eric Nalbone
Sire: A Crown Awaits Dam: Dream Wish
Dream Of Her - 1 Sluggish start settled bid between horses driving to wire
Unanswered Prayers - 2 Clean break settled gained ground gamely stretch
End of the World - 3 Broke well moved up willingly angled out held position
Connection - 4 Slightly crowded at start moved up willingly looked for room no rally
Sounds of Victory - 5 Clean break tucked in along rail looked for room no rally
One More Rainy Day - 6 Broke eagerly settled bid between horses Was not a threat
Diva - 7 Broke well flashed speed down inside turn gave way



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