
1 1/16 miles. Dirt.  Thoroughbred. Purse $15,000Condition
Finish Horse Owner Jockey PP First Call Second Call Third Call Finish: Margin
1 Giant Sword (FL) Josh Lamp I Derek Akers 4 2: ns 2: 1 1/2 2: 3/4  1: 1
$ 7,500
2 Bow Tie II (FL) Elle Frost Brad Puckett 3 1: 5 1/4 1: 10 1/4 1: 4 1/2  2: 1
$ 3,300
3 Burn the Serum (KY) Jack Meyer Victor Rios 1 4: -- 3: 1/2 3: 1  3: 1
$ 1,500
4 Thrill On My Face (NY) Lee Cara Leroy Snyder 2 3: nck 4: -- 4: --  4: --
$ 1,050

Breeder Award: $1,350
Giant Sword gr.g.3
Owner: Josh Lamp I Breeder: Josh Lamp I
Sire: Sword Dam: Stay Faithful
Giant Sword - 1 Broke well hustled early moved between horses kept busy stretch
Bow Tie II - 2 Steadied start showed speed in tight lane could not stick with winner
Burn the Serum - 3 Broke quickly held in mid pack moved inside third best
Thrill On My Face - 4 Broke well dictated pace urged along weakened



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