
350 yards. Dirt.  Paint. Purse $15,000Condition
Finish Horse Owner Jockey PP First Call Finish: Margin
1 City of Culture (CA) Steve Handley Greg Becker 4 1: nck  1: ns
$ 7,500
2 Days of Uitco (CA) David Bowern Louise Boyce 5 3: hd  2: ns
$ 3,300
3 Download This App (OK) Tom Lin Franco Dubois 2 6: hd  3: nck
$ 1,500
4 Bold Streaker (MN) Randall Allen Virginia Crowe 7 7: 1/2  4: ns
$ 1,050
5 Wrazzle I (MN) Lee Key Shipyard Amber Fox 3 4: nck  5: ns
$ 300
6 Wood River (MN) Lee Key Shipyard John Smith 8 2: 1/2  6: 1/2
$ 0
7 Was He a Smurf (CA) Alleyne Torres Emilio Everett 1 5: nck  7: nck
$ 0
8 Paint Me Shock (MT) Anna Leroux Arianna Walsh 6 8: --  8: --
$ 0

Breeder Award: $1,350
City of Culture bck.g.5
Owner: Steve Handley Breeder: Alleyne Torres
Sire: Sighthound Dam: Worldly Wonder
City of Culture - 1 Broke well driving
Days of Uitco - 2 Broke outwards rallied
Download This App - 3 Broke outwards steady effort
Bold Streaker - 4 Broke well strong effort
Wrazzle I - 5 Broke quickly solid effort
Wood River - 6 Broke quickly evenly
Was He a Smurf - 7 Broke quickly left behind
Paint Me Shock - 8 Broke quickly evenly



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