
1 1/16 miles. Turf.  Thoroughbred. Purse $12,000Condition
Finish Horse Owner Jockey PP First Call Second Call Third Call Finish: Margin
1 Snows (FRA) Emma Lochran Ava Flynn 3 4: 3/4 4: 1 1/4 2: 1  1: 1 1/4
$ 6,000
2 LakeEffectSnow III (AUS) Kent Saunders Ben Boyd 2 2: 1 1: nck 1: 1  2: 1 1/2
$ 2,640
3 Blue Nightshade (NY) Danny Warren Jasmine Freeman 5 5: -- 5: -- 4: 1 3/4  3: 1 3/4
$ 1,200
4 Change of View I (AUS) Danny Warren Ginny Freeman 4 3: 1 3: 2 1/2 3: 3/4  4: 7 1/4
$ 840
5 Pyramid Gal (NY) Doug Cuomo Edgar Gonzales 1 1: nck 2: 2 5: --  5: --
$ 240

Breeder Award: $1,080
Snows gr.f.2
Owner: Emma Lochran Breeder: Emma Lochran
Sire: Farscape Dam: Not in July
Snows - 1 Broke quickly taken between rivals early wide off turn strongly to wire
LakeEffectSnow III - 2 Away alertly battled advanced on rail gamely stretch
Blue Nightshade - 3 Clean start between rivals early advanced on rail gamely stretch
Change of View I - 4 Clean start showed speed on rail turn held position
Pyramid Gal - 5 Broke poorly dueled saved ground was not a threat



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