
1 mile. All Weather.  Thoroughbred. Purse $15,000Condition
Finish Horse Owner Jockey PP First Call Second Call Third Call Finish: Margin
1 Elusive One (IL) Lee Cara Leroy Snyder 5 3: nck 4: 3 3/4 2: 1 1/4  1: 1
$ 7,500
2 Open Iron (IL) Dusty Klatt Melvin Puckett 7 6: 1 6: 1 1/4 4: 1  2: 1
$ 3,300
3 Londehero (GBR) Te Akau Downs Aaron Blanton 1 1: 3/4 1: 1 1/4 1: nck  3: 1 1/4
$ 1,500
4 Maternally Bad (IL) Lee Cara Jeff Felix 4 7: 1 7: 2 1/4 6: ns  4: 1 1/4
$ 1,050
5 Hawaiian Shamrock (KY) Bernard Kwok Emma Davis 2 2: 1 2: 1 3/4 3: 2 3/4  5: 2
$ 300
6 Inout (IL) Chani Ruzzo Aaron Fox 6 5: 1 5: 1 3/4 7: 3 3/4  6: 1 1/2
$ 0
7 Space Traveler (IL) Kinclaire Farm Zoey Novak 3 8: -- 8: -- 8: --  7: 1 1/2
$ 0
8 Religion and Art (IL) Reggie Dunlop Ian Lake 8 4: 1 1/4 3: nck 5: nck  8: --
$ 0

Breeder Award: $1,350
Elusive One bl.g.4
Owner: Lee Cara Breeder: Chani Ruzzo
Sire: Elusive Award Dam: Jessies Dream
Elusive One - 1 Away well hustled early on rail turn willingly to wire
Open Iron - 2 Broke smoothly from gate between foes in tight lane gamely stretch
Londehero - 3 Steadied start flashed speed altered course turn gamely stretch
Maternally Bad - 4 Broke well reserved between horses fanned out evenly
Hawaiian Shamrock - 5 Broke well rushed up urged along held position
Inout - 6 Broke smoothly from gate under firm hold altered course turn angled out late
Space Traveler - 7 Broke well middle path urged along no response late
Religion and Art - 8 Steadied start reserved between horses altered course turn belated rally



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