
1 1/16 miles. Dirt.  Thoroughbred. Purse $15,000Condition
Finish Horse Owner Jockey PP First Call Second Call Third Call Finish: Margin
1 Jack Skellington (NY) Alysse Peverell Richard Migliore 7 1: 1 1: 3/4 1: 1 3/4  1: 4 1/2
$ 7,500
2 For the Win (JAM) Erin Sanderson Alex Morgan 3 5: 1 5: 3 4: 3/4  2: 1 1/2
$ 3,300
3 Bifrost II (NY) Johanna Stk James Stevens 1 2: 1/2 2: 1 1/4 2: 3/4  3: 1 1/2
$ 1,500
4 Don't Stay I (CA) Josh Lamp I Derek Akers 4 3: nck 3: 1/2 3: 3/4  4: 1 1/2
$ 1,050
5 Never Break I (NY) Murray McNickle Frederick Campbell 2 4: 1 1/2 4: 2 1/4 5: 2 3/4  5: 1 1/4
$ 300
6 Queensland Reds (SD) David Bowern Louise Boyce 5 6: 2 1/4 6: 6 3/4 6: 3 1/2  6: 1
$ 0
7 Imperial Born (OH) Mark Pavlak Damian Hunt 6 7: -- 7: -- 7: --  7: --
$ 0

Breeder Award: $1,350
Jack Skellington bl.c.2
Owner: Alysse Peverell Breeder: The Steward
Sire: Rambling Dam: Adventure
Jack Skellington - 1 Broke outwards hustled early angled in driving to wire
For the Win - 2 Clean start under firm hold wide off turn tried hard lane
Bifrost II - 3 Broke smoothly from gate dictated pace responded when urged gamely stretch
Don't Stay I - 4 Broke well rushed up altered course turn tired
Never Break I - 5 Sluggish start between rivals early moved between horses evenly
Queensland Reds - 6 Fell to knees at start tracked between angled in evenly
Imperial Born - 7 Broke outwards between rivals early urged along no response late



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