
100 yards. Dirt.  Quarter Horse. Purse $12,000Condition
Finish Horse Owner Jockey PP First Call Finish: Margin
1 Zorba's Spectre (TX) Cathie Morris Vincent Saunders 8 3: ns  1: nck
$ 6,000
2 FirstDownHussy II (TX) 440 Racing Barn Henry Garcia 2 5: ns  2: ns
$ 2,640
3 Dreaming of Denman (TX) Anthony Newman Alana Sanford 3 2: ns  3: ns
$ 1,200
4 Hi Carter (KY) Tom Lin Wayne Welsh 7 6: hd  4: nck
$ 840
5 Ms. Fire Country (TX) Kyasuriin Matsumoto Francis Dubois 4 4: ns  5: ns
$ 240
6 Next Big Strike (TX) Kyasuriin Matsumoto Jordyn Barlow 1 7: ns  6: ns
$ 0
7 Pro Zoom Factor (NE) Randall Allen Virginia Crowe 5 1: ns  7: ns
$ 0
8 Ghostly Ghost (TX) Sarah Shook Gloria Moon 6 8: --  8: --
$ 0

Breeder Award: $1,080
Zorba's Spectre gru.f.3
Owner: Cathie Morris Breeder: Cathie Morris
Sire: Zorba's Fire Dam: A Little Scary I
Zorba's Spectre - 1 Broke quickly gamely
FirstDownHussy II - 2 Broke well drifted in
Dreaming of Denman - 3 Broke well rallied
Hi Carter - 4 Broke well drifted in
Ms. Fire Country - 5 Broke outwards rallied
Next Big Strike - 6 Broke well no factor
Pro Zoom Factor - 7 Broke in evenly
Ghostly Ghost - 8 Awkward start no rally



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